Counter Strike Online Wiki
Tooltip allstar 01

Allstar icon All Star is a mode in Counter-Strike Online.


This is a classic Terrorist vs Counter-Terrorist PvP mode where the players can choose 18 kinds of characters from various modes in CSO. It is played in Team Deathmatch style and the affiliation is signed with blue and red color.

Release date

  • South Korea: 9 February 2017.

Available Characters

Hero iconZmrewalk svdex Heroine iconZmrewalk qbarrel Bazooka ManBazooka icon
Speed zombi hostZbgrn Z4 lightLeap AllstarbrIcon xm8 cso C4 left install
Joker iconJoker AllstarrevenantFire AllstargoliathMissiles
AllstarsnowmanZg skill dione01 on ChickenFgrenade2 AllstarballKill enemy without being noticed
AllstarrexTentacles AllstarmogiAbsorb HP when nearby enemies AllstardronFly high
AllstarlightbossShockwave AllstarhectorLaser AllstarsnowSelf-destruct



  • The poster shows Elite Crew aiming with M72 Law, a weapon which is not available in CSO. This maybe an early hint of the weapon.
